Friday, April 22, 2005

the one with the actor

I'm sure many of you Aussies out there have been reading/listening/watching the news on Schapelle Colby trial, the Australian woman who has been caught bringing in cannabis into Bali last year.

Personally, I do feel sorry for her, I'm not in the picture - she might be innocent, or might not.

The online news headline caught my attention earlier. My first impression before reading the news content was: that was really nice of Russell Crowe to voice his concern on this matter. After reading the entire article, I can only utter one word: rubbish.

Like really, how dare he even suggested that Colby be brought back to Australia to face trial under Australian law and then mentioning, "We're not disrespecting your (Indonesia's) laws or anything, but in our minds we think there is a massive doubt here." That is pretty much contradictory.

I'm not a law student, I don't read law and I know nothing about it but I grow up knowing that it is mandatory dead penalty to bring illegal drugs into most Asian countries if convicted. Sadly to say, the law is never 100% fair but to question it when you're not in the picture, you're not involved and making assumptions based on what the media tells you - it is definitely not a very wise thing to do. And to link two different situation together is pure stupidity. Well, Mr Crowe, tsunami and Schapelle are two different cases, get it?

Before you argue, I have to clarify that I'm not very fond of the Indonesian government for various reasons, that is my personal opinion. However, being a student activist back in uni, I've came to learn to look at things from both sides.

So that is my 50 cents worth.

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 15:48| 2 comments