Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ghost of the past

It's been exactly one year since Ell left. I remembered it better than anyone else because it was on my birthday.

For some fucking reasons, I have not had a happy birthday celebration for the past two years because I was hurt emotionally by people whom I've came to love so much. These individuals that I actually see myself being with for the rest of my life. Not that it matters much because birthday is just like any other day. However, I deserve to be pampered at the very least.

I hate S for bringing back the memories I tried so hard to forget. I've been hurt back then and I just can't believe I allowed him to do this to me now. All I ever wanted was for him to care for me just a little bit more. Using tiredness and not having enough time as excuses are totally ancient by now. I've heard that too many times.

Why does it seems I'm the only one compromising here?

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 22:55| 4 comments

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

e-bay e-diot

That stupid e-bay seller has not reply my e-mail and the auction for the pretty shoes (in time for spring!) I am gonna bid for will end in 3 hours. There are a few things which I need to know before buying those shoes.

Just don't sell stuff if you have no intention of seeing the sales go through.

Wasting my precious time.

This is breaking my heart too.

The shoes that could have been mine!! Ugh... *pouts*

UPDATE: The seller replied after the auction has ended. Anyway, I've sealed the transaction off e-bay as I wanted those shoes badly although it's not recommended to do so. Let's just see if my baby arrives next week. *beams*

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 01:41| 4 comments

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

karma is a bitch sometimes

S has been rather moody these days. He's been complaining, swearing (not at me) and whatever that came out from his mouth just frustrates me.

I know he's been busy working and studying full-time, he hardly gets any sleep and I do appreciate it when he tries to make time to see me. What I do not appreciate is when he's venting out his frustrations at me. This happened twice in a row on a different day I went out with him. When he realized I wasn't too happy being treated that way, he apologized. As though that's really gonna make up for what I have to put up with the entire evening. No, it takes more than just saying sorry...

Karma is probably biting me back for what I did but enough is enough.

I'm gonna go do some reading and watch DVDs. Oh, and those yummylicious chocolates are waiting for me. I don't care if the chocolates are gonna make me sicker but I need to cure my depression first.

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 00:26| 6 comments

Monday, September 05, 2005

tis the season to sparkle

It is spring!

And I'm sick. It's been 5 days now.

It's the wrong time to fall sick especially when I have a whole lot of chocolates lying around. They look extremely yummylicious when I can't eat them.

I've got a casual job and I'm still waiting to hear from this company who owns one of the largest supermarkets chain. There's a high chance that I won't get the job because I reckon I did so badly during the second interview but I'm not too worry about it because even if I do get the job, I've no idea how am I going to get myself into fashion retail. It's like a dead end. Okay, I'm being picky but let's just see how things go.

So when I'm sick, and can't really do anything about it, the best cure is of course, retail therapy! I've not been shopping for a month now.

One month.

Can anyone believe THAT? I can't believe that either!

Anyway, I only had an hour to shop by the time I get there and Pa said I can get whatever I want for my birthday as long as it's reasonable. And snap. I bought a sunglasses in 10 minutes. My fourth one in 3 years.

I absolutely adore the new collection of Ferragamo's Audrey ballerina-like flats. Yes, it's named after Audrey Hepburn. Just so because Salvatore Ferragamo designed the shoes for her. The shape of the shoe remained unchanged in the past 50 years (It's one of their best selling designs). The last Audrey collection was in suede. I didn't like both the material and the colours they have in store. But this time around, they've got pink colour!

So should I splurge $625 on it or do I wait till sale when it will drop to $380?

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 18:32| 4 comments