Wednesday, July 05, 2006

today i hurt myself

I pulled my left shoulder's muscle/nerve or whatever medical term it is called. Basically, I can't lift up my left arm or my entire left side of my neck hurts. Badly. I can't even move my neck all that much. And this has never happened to me before.

About 2 weeks ago, I pulled my knee's muscle/nerve or whatever medical term it is called whilst sleeping and I woke up screaming. W jokingly said I must be playing footie.

Last week, I hurt my right foot and I accidentally burn my fingers whilst cooking.

I just really have to admit I'm getting old.

You want prove? Two guys hit on me two days in a row. Let me re-iterate. One old man (bastard!) who is older than my dad and still very married and apparently super rich and one 32 years old divorcee. I know both of them on acquaintance level.

God! Whatever happened to guys my age? What about Jake Gyllenhaal?

On another note, S is away in Melbourne for the weekend and I kinda miss him. Not because I love him so I miss him. Wait, I don't even love him but it's just that I hate people leaving me. Although it's just temporary.

I gave him a shopping list though. >.<

Considering the fact that we turned out pretty screwed up (in terms of relationship), we could still talk facing each other. It never cease to amaze me because I just feel like punching him sometimes.

I should probably go see a chiropractor tomorrow. It does really hurt. Will someone give me a hug for now? Anyone?

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 23:34| 5 comments