Sunday, December 18, 2005
of shopping and boyfriend
Never ever buy your girlfriend's pressie in front of her (not literally) and then come up with excuses like:
Useless excuse no. 1
Me: What was that you're holding on your hand? What did you get from David Jones?
Him: Oh... Something for my dad
Me: I thought you got his pressie last week? And I helped you to pick it, remember?
Stupid excuse no. 2
Me: Show it to me, will you?
Him: No, I can't
Me: Why not? It's for me isn't it?
Him: It's not for you
Me: Then there is no problem showing it to me is there?
Him: I stole it from one of the lady in the store and this is not the right place to open it
Me: Then she wouldn't suspected it if I open it right?
Him: (speechless)
Equally idiotic excuse no. 3
Me: Okay, this is not funny. If it's for me, just admit it and I won't touch it or ask about it anymore
Him: For the millionth time, it is NOT for you
Him: This person I'm giving to has a phobia of people looking at his present. And he would know if the present has been looked at. I didn't know how he could tell but he just does
Me: (Silently cursing WTF) Yeah right. I know what it is. It's a bag and it's for me. It's a Furla to be precise and if I get that bag for Christmas, you have to give me $200 on top of it because I well damn know I'm right
Him: It's not for you
Me: It's a bag, right?
Him: No it's not!
Me: Whatever
Absolutely rubbish no-more-excuses-yet-in-denial excuse no. 4
Me: Remember, you said it's not a bag earlier so if it turns to be, I'm getting my $200
Him: I didn't say it wasn't a bag. I said it wasn't for you
Me: (smirking over the phone)