Thursday, July 06, 2006

sleepless night

It's karma I tell you. I seem to be on a bad luck streak again.

I could hardly sleep because of my shoulder and neck. It hurts everytime I move. Not even slightly. How can someone not move while sleeping?

And my stupid Sergio Rossi pumps have been killing my feet. Not to mention I have mouth ulcer. *sniff*

I was downtown watching Click. It's boring but I cried a little. Only a little so stop looking at me that way. I was so tempted to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest but I've promised S I would wait for him. Damnit! I regretted my decision judging from the fact that there aren't any nice movies been released these days. And I don't watch a movie twice so I can't sneak behind him to watch this today and watch it again with him next time. It would be a torture.

I don't know why but Captain Jack Sparrow reminded me of Mahd. Maybe it's just me.

On another note, Myer has another sale starting today. It seems never-ending to be honest. This sale thing. I just cruised through without picking anything. Unbelievable. It's the crowd that kills my retail therapy appetite I supposed. I've asked S to check out the price of spybag if he came across any and if the Ferragamo store has my shoes size, he's getting them for me! I'm paying him of course. Neat.

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 20:05| 3 comments