Friday, July 14, 2006

today i cry my heart out

I left my sunnies in the Myer changing room and I came back to look for it within 10 minutes but it was gone.

I've been feeling quite upset coz it's less than a year old. I can't believe anyone would actually took my sunnies. If I found a pair of sunnies or a bag that I love to death accidentally left behind by someone, I would most definitely surrender it in. Because I could understand how that someone would feel. Because she probably work hard to buy it. Or even if she is rich, it doesn't give anyone any fucking right to take it. More importantly, it could be a gift from someone she adores dearly which in my case, it was a pressie from Pa.

But of course, in reality this rarely happens. Reality can be so harsh sometimes. When I told this to some people, they even mentioned that if they were to find something that interest them, they'd most likely keep them than to hand it in. You left something in the changing room, say goodbye.


And if you happen to read this, the next time you found something that doesn't belong to you, no matter how insignificant you may think it affects the person who lost it, please, give it back to the rightful owner. Simply because it belongs to that person.

I guess this teach me to be more careful next time around.

And whoever who stole my sunnies, up yours asshole!

chica bonita fluttered eyelashes @ 23:37| 4 comments